What can stress do to your heart? Primus Hospital

Have you ever wondered what chronic stress can do to your heart? Imagine being in a situation when you start to panic and your anxiety starts to build up. Don’t you feel right on the verge of collapsing if it continues for long? Stress can do more harm to your heart daily than you can imagine. When the body experiences stress in a challenging situation, chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline are released which prepares the body for heightened action. But when there is no scope for action and the stress keeps on building up, it leads to a series of health effects. Too much stress can affect your food habits, sleeping pattern, mood as well as the heart.

Effects of stress on the heart

  • Stress can have severe effects on the heart and some of them can even be life-threatening. At times some traumatic news such as death can give a heart attack to a person due to shock and subsequent sudden stress. Stress increases blood pressure and leads to severe effects on the heart.
  • Even in daily life, stress regarding meeting deadlines, reaching on time, unhappy relationships, financial problems, etc. can be bad for the heart. Chronic stress increases inflammation which is not at all good for a healthy heart.
  • Stress over a long time gives rise to bad habits like smoking and consumption of alcohol or comfort food which in turn is even worse for your heart.

Some of the warnings that your body is under huge stress:-

  • Headaches, dizziness, tiredness and nausea
  • Excessive sweating
  • Aches and body pains
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Indigestion and stomach problems
  • Forgetfulness
  • Lack of creativity
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Detachment from society and relationships
  • Addiction to alcohol and smoking.

Ways to manage stress:-

Different people have different ways of dealing with stress as different people react differently to situations. Here are some of the ways to deal with stress daily and keep your heart safe from it.
  • Stay motivated- Read a lot of positive and inspirational thoughts every morning so that you stay positive and motivated all day long no matter what situation you face. Subscribe to motivational quotes or videos on social media instead of depressing yourself over others’ achievements and see how calm you feel even if life seems difficult.
  • Listen to music-
Music is a great way of cutting down on stress as it releases happy hormones in the body and has a calming effect on your mind. If you feel the stress building on while waiting in the traffic, it is time to turn on the music and let it have its effect upon you.
  • Take a relaxing bath-
A warm or cool bath, depending on the weather can have a great effect on your stress levels at the end of the day. It not only refreshes your body but your mind too. Add some essential oils to your bath water to let it have a relaxing effect and take care of your stress levels.
  • Plan something interesting for the weekend-
Plan something interesting like a drive or movie with your friends and family on weekends to have some good laugh and forget all your worries. It is a good way to keep stress pressing upon your heart.
  • Have some good sleep-
It is a normal sign to lose sleep when you are under heavy stress. During such times try to sleep whenever you can to let your body repair itself from the damaging effects of stress and also manage it well.
Top Hospital List for Heart Care in India.

All you need to know about Bariatric surgery

Obesity is one of the major problems the world is facing in terms of health. Unhealthy lifestyle changes have led to increase in child and adult obesity leading to a further list of serious diseases which are often life threatening. By 2025, India will have over 17 million obese children and stand second among 184 countries where the number of obese children is concerned. Obesity is posing a serious threat to people’s health all over the world.

What is obesity?

When a person’s body weight is 20% higher than ideal body weight of a person according to age, sex and height, he or she is said to be obese. A person having Body Mass Index (BMI) between 25 and 30 is considered as obese or overweight. Body Mass Index is calculated using a person’s height and weight and is used to measure whether a person is underweight or overweight.

What are the health effects of obesity?

Obesity has huge effects on a person’s health and most of the deaths in the US result from conditions resulting from obesity. Some of the effects are:-
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Sleep apnea
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Lack of sexual drive
  • Heart diseases
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Stroke
  • Gall bladder stones

Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is one of the best considered surgeries recommended for obesity. The term ‘bariatric’ means any procedure that is performed on the intestines to cut down on weight. Bariatric surgery takes into account a series of procedures that help in weight loss.
  • Functions
Bariatric surgery medically reduces obesity in two ways:-
  • Restriction of food intake- It makes the intestine smaller and thus limits the amount of food you intake. This keeps a count on your calories and does not make you overeat.
  • Limits absorption of calories- Since the small intestine is shortened; it reduces the amount of nutrients as well as calories the body absorbs from food.
  • Types
Bariatric surgery is of four types-
  • Gastric Bypass
Gastric Bypass is a medical procedure where the surgeon limits the amount of area for storage of food in the intestine to a small pouch. This is the area which can hold the amount of food you eat at once. The small intestine is then cut from the main stomach and attached to the pouch. While the main part of the stomach continues to function and produce the digestive juices, the food flows into the intestine from this pouch only. This helps to limit the amount of calories that you eat and that get absorbed in your body.
  • Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding
This is a procedure where a band containing a balloon like thing is attached to the upper stomach which creates a pouch with a narrow opening to the other part of the stomach. This procedure too limits the area of the stomach that can hold food. This limits your appetite and makes you feel less hungry. However, it does not limit the absorption of nutrients and calories.
  • Sleeve gastrostomy
In this procedure, a part of the stomach is surgically removed from the body. The part remaining in the body is given the shape of a tube to limit the storage of food. Thus appetite is reduced as your stomach cannot hold much food now and also because of shortage of an appetite increasing hormone called ghrelin.
  • Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch
Two kinds of surgeries are performed here by the surgeon. The duodenum and the last part of the intestine are attached together while closing off the middle section. However, this middle section is not removed from the body. Instead, it is attached to the last part of the intestine to let the inflow of digestive juices and bile.
one of the best hospitals in Delhi when you consider getting a bariatric surgery. Here you can find state-of-the-art medical facilities that provide the best surgical care and also helps you with post-surgical recovery. Primus Hospital boasts of skilled surgeons who can change your life for the best and let you live a healthier life.

Dos and Don’ts after a Joint Replacement surgery

Orthopedic problems resulting from either accidents or bone deformities plague most people after a certain age. While sports injuries and accidents are common to people of all age groups, elderly patients are seen to be often suffering severely from osteoporosis. Thanks to advanced medical treatment facilities like joint replacement and reconstruction, many people have got the freedom of movement once again.

But doctors also suggest certain restrictions in case you have undergone joint replacement or reconstruction. These necessary steps are needed to be taken to ensure that the post-surgery recovery is successful and you do not face any negative consequences in future.


  • For the initial days use a crutch to assist with walking and in order to be safe.
  • You can continue with daily activities but make sure your knee is in a comfortable position while sitting at home or in a car or engaging in any activity.
  • Walk and exercise lightly every day to keep your body fit and knee active.
  • In case you suffer pain in the knees, use an ice pack to reduce the swelling and pain.
  • Maintain the sleeping positions as suggested by your doctor or ask what kind of support may be given to the leg in the rest position. These things should be advised by your doctor. Ask him or her in case of any discomfort.
  • If you wish to return to sports activities, go for light fitness activities like bicycling and golf which puts less stress on the joints.
  • Board a flight only in your doctor permits you. It may cause the joint to swell when it is in the healing phase.
  • The most important thing needed after any kind of joint replacement in the knee or hip is physiotherapy. Always consult a good physiotherapist who guides you through the recovery and rehabilitation phase. It begins with a gradual walking program to start with your mobility and increases on to light exercises like climbing stairs to restore you to daily activities. The physiotherapist also guides you to perform various exercises needed to recover.


  • Involve in heavy impact activities or lift heavy objects for a few months.
  • Sit on the floor or try to sit cross-legged to avoid putting pressure.
  • Kneeling down to pick up objects lying down.
  • Engage in driving or in sexual activities unless you are deemed fit by your doctor.

Looking for the Best Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon in Mumbai? Look no further than Nanavati Hospital.

Some other Good Hospital in India for Joints:

Visit orthopedic doctors in Delhi NCR Primus Hospital for Best Joint Replacement Hospital in India

& best Joint Replacement hospitals in Hosur other very good hospital like Saroj Super Speciality Hospital also stands Best Joint Replacement Hospital in Delhi


Some Starnge Pregnancy Symptoms That Are Actually Good for You

The good news? Some of the tough-to-take side effects can actually be a sign that your pregnancy is healthy and thriving

Sore and enlarged breasts
Its happens Usually early in the first trimester

Light Pink or Brown Spotting
Its happens Around 4 to 6 weeks

Morning Sickness
Its happens Usually early in the first trimester

Increased Vaginal Discharge
Its happens Throughout pregnancy

Some Starnge Pregnancy Symptoms Good sign for You
Top Gynecologist in center Delhi & Best Gynecology Hospital in Delhi NCR is Only one Primus Super Speciality Hospital. and one more gynaecology hospital in delhi available in Rohini. If you are in Mumbai then Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital is Best Gynaecology Centre in Mumbai

How to eat more food and still lose weight

How to eat more food and still lose weight

Do you have eating habit? and you are afraid to gain weight.

Cook at home
Go and do your food shopping, plan your meals for the week, and go and get yourself lean

Cooking all your meals at home with fresh ingredients is essential to losing weight. If you know what your food contains because you cooked it yourself, the chances are it will be lean and free of highly processed sugars.

Vegetables a-plenty
It is these phytochemicals that give fruits and vegetables their vibrant colour and of course some of their healthy properties.

How to eat more food and still lose weight
For Best Speciality Treatment in India
Best Cosmetology Centre in Mumbai – Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital
Best Vascular Surgery in Delhi NCR–  Primus Super Speciality Hospital
Best Heart Surgery Hospital in Delhi– Primus Super Speciality Hospital
Best Kidney Transplant Centers in India– Saroj Super Speciality Hospital
best Cardiology center in Hosur– Gunam Super Speciality Hospital

Common Myths (and Facts) Regarding Joint Replacement Surgery You Must Be Aware Of

What is Joint Replacement Surgery?

Joint Replacement surgery is essentially a surgical procedure which works to remove out damaged or unhealthy organs of a joint and then it replaces with artificial parts. The objective of the joint replacement procedure is to alleviate pain and bring back a sense of normal function as well as mobility into the injured joint. The surgery is advisable for patients facing severe pain and disability due to progressive arthritis. Reputed Joint Replacement Hospital helps patient to accomplish the joint replacement surgery successfully. Let’s have a look at what are the common myths and facts regarding this surgery:

Common Myths (and Facts) Regarding Joint Replacement Surgery

Myth-1Joint replacement surgery implies a long hospital stay

People have a myth that joint replacement surgery usually demands long stay. This is because, before many years, it was common to stay for up to 10 days inside the hospital after the surgery. The fact is due to advancement in this surgery patient nowadays only need to stay for 3-5 days on an average. It is known that patients typically stay less than two days post their hip replacements and for maximum three days post their knee replacement surgery. It depends on the individual and the type of surgery performed.

Myth-2Joint replacement surgery is extremely invasive

Many patients have the misconception that the whole knee is replaced in this surgery; however, the fact is but there is just the smallest amount of bone which is removed prior to inserting the new parts. Surgeons are presently applying less-invasive techniques and minor incisions to accomplish these replacements. The fact is the process is less invasive than what many people think. If you go for Joint Replacement surgery from well-known hospital, you will experience that the treatment is less invasive. There are many hospitals in India providing such treatments.

Myth-3Replacement joints last only for 10 years or less

People have the misconception that replacement joints usually last low like 10 years or less. Because of advancements in materials and surgical techniques, the present-day knee and hip replacements could last for twice as long as compared to the replacements performed in the past. Moreover, the quality components utilized in this surgery have improved considerably. There are many new implant materials such as verilast which have been thoroughly tested for 30 years wear performance, as well as they, come with US – FDA approval.

Myth-4: The success rate of the surgery is extremely low

Either due to fear or due to misunderstanding, people have a myth that the success rate of surgery is low. However, the fact is the knee replacement is known to be an effectual treatment for knees which are diseased or worn out. Those who have undergone this surgery are capable to carry out their daily activities successfully and that too without pain. The research carried out in this field indicates that knee replacement surgery comes with 95 % success rate in the majority of patients.

Myth-5If your age is less than 50, you are young to avail joint replacement surgery

People believe that only old-age people or people crossing the age of 50 can avail this surgery treatment. The fact is orthopedic surgeons presently do not classify a particular age to decide whether a patient is liable for the surgery or not. The decision relies on the levels of disability as well as the pain the patient is facing. In the past, the components that are utilized for joint replacements came with restricted life spans. With the innovations of technology, the replacement parts with better longevity; hence, it is possible to place them in younger patients as well.

Regarding Joint Replacement Surgeon in Delhi NCR visit Primus hospital,  Joint Replacement doctor in Mumbai visit Nanavati Hospital,  best Joint Replacement hospitals in Hosur visit Primus Hospital

How to preparing a nutritious brown bag lunch for Children throughout the School Year

School in India start the session, mostly parents get worried about children lunch. Here Our Experts offers some fruit for thought with several suggestions for preparing a nutritious brown bag lunch for children
throughout the school year:
How to preparing a nutritious brown bag lunch for Children throughout the School Year (1)
• For a healthier snack, offer baked vegetable chips or sweet potato fries (rather than buying the packaged chips)

• Make home-baked chicken fingers or bake chicken to create a sandwich on wholen wheat bread. Add lettuce.

• Include seasonal fruit such as apples, pears, and strawberries.

• Does your child have a favorite vegetable like carrot sticks or celery? You can include a hummus dip (which is
offered plain or comes in several flavors). You can also add whole-wheat crackers such as Wheat Thins or Breton.

“Eating healthy does not need to be expensive,” our experts said, “Preparing the foods can be easier than most people
think if they just prepare in advance and shop for healthy groceries.” Best wises for your kids for healthy life.

Experts References:

Health and Nutrition Tips

There is lots of tips that can benefit you for better life. Few we mentioned here:
  • Don’t Drink Sugar Calories
  • Eat Nuts
  • Avoid Processed Junk Food (Eat Real Food Instead)
  • Don’t Fear Coffee
  • Eat Fatty Fish
  • Get Enough Sleep
  • Take Care of Your Gut Health With Probiotics and Fiber
  • Drink Some Water, Especially Before Meals
  • Don’t Overcook or Burn Your Meat
  • Avoid Bright Lights Before Sleep
  • Take Vitamin D3 If You Don’t Get Much Sun
  • Eat Vegetables and Fruits
  • Make Sure to Eat Enough Protein
  • Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil
If you have any health related problem you can visit these hospital as they are best in India:

Prostate Cancer Symptoms

During prostate cancer’s early stage, a patient might not observe any visible symptoms. However, certain cases show an array of symptoms at an early stage that might include:

  • ·         Urine paired with blood.
  • ·         The frequent urge for urination, even at the night.
  • ·         Difficulty in maintaining or commencing urination.
  • ·         Painful urination or ejaculation.
  • ·         Difficulty in maintaining or achieving an erection.


Symptoms of the advanced stage of prostate cancer:

  • ·         Bone pain that includes femur, ribs, spine, and pelvis.
  • ·         Fracture in the bones.


For prostate cancer that has spread to the spine while compressing it, the following symptoms might be observable:

  • ·         Urinary incontinence.
  • ·         Leg weakness.
  • ·         Fecal incontinence.


You can opt for diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer at Primus Hospital: Top cancer surgery Hospital in Delhi NCR.

For Medical oncology treatment in Mumbai & top oncologists in Mumbai visit Nanavati Hospital

Cancer Treatment in Hosur visit Gunam Hospital

Kidney Stones: Understand the Symptoms

Kidney stones are mostly symptom less unless they get too big or move towards the ureter. Kidney transplant centers in Delhi house updated technological tools to detect the presence of kidney stones for timely treatment.

The common symptom of kidney stones when they become noticeable includes:

  • ·         Blood in the urine.
  • ·         Severe pain arising from the sides of the groin area.
  • ·         Nausea and Vomiting.
  • ·         Pus in the urine or WBCs.
  • ·         Reduced urine excretion.
  • ·         Burning sensation while urinating.
  • ·         The consistent urge for urination.
  • ·         Chills and fever arising from any infection inside the kidney.

PPrimus Super Speciality Hospital: KIDNEY stone removal Hospital in Delhi NCR