Kidney Stones: Understand the Symptoms

Kidney stones are mostly symptom less unless they get too big or move towards the ureter. Kidney transplant centers in Delhi house updated technological tools to detect the presence of kidney stones for timely treatment.

The common symptom of kidney stones when they become noticeable includes:

  • ·         Blood in the urine.
  • ·         Severe pain arising from the sides of the groin area.
  • ·         Nausea and Vomiting.
  • ·         Pus in the urine or WBCs.
  • ·         Reduced urine excretion.
  • ·         Burning sensation while urinating.
  • ·         The consistent urge for urination.
  • ·         Chills and fever arising from any infection inside the kidney.

PPrimus Super Speciality Hospital: KIDNEY stone removal Hospital in Delhi NCR

Kidney Disease: It’s More Common Than You Think

Kidney Disease

You must have heard of chronic kidney disease taking lives of many people around you. The name is not so unfamiliar, is it? Terms such as kidney transplant, dialysis, kidney failure have somewhat become common in the medical field and way too many people are coming across kidney problems due to many reasons both explainable and unexplainable. But then the point is, you must know what actually causes kidney disease and what are you supposed to do in case you are diagnosed with it.

So let us begin with having a basic idea of chronic kidney disease followed by its symptoms and finally the treatment. Now, if you didn’t know it already, your kidneys play a very important role in your body. They are located at the back of the abdominal cavity and their function is to remove unwanted toxins, balance chemical neutrality (the acid-base balance) and filter the blood plasma (through key processes such as filtration, reabsorption, secretion, and excretion). The nephrons present in kidneys are basically what carry these jobs and hence, make this organ a vital one to be taken care of.

Now, there are times when your kidneys aren’t able to perform to their best ability and there are reasons for why it happens so. More often than not, diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure are what hampers the functionality of your kidneys. It also happens in case you have been hit by urinary tract infection in the past (UTI). Certain other problems such as heart attack are also sometimes responsible for it. In short, it’s all about the kind of lifestyle you lead, and how it affects not one but different systems of your body.

Let us see how you can actually figure out if you are suffering from chronic kidney disease, via understanding these symptoms.

In the initial days, you might notice:

• Loss of appetite

• Nausea

• Vomiting

• Alteration in urination

• Muscle cramps

Though you might notice the following if it is acute:

• Diarrhea

• Back pain

• Swelling of feet and ankles

• Fatigue

• Hypertension

• Chest pain

These symptoms though might replicate that of another disease, we suggest you must visit your doctor to check chronic kidney disease as they might be so due to the same problem. The fact that the health of your kidneys depends on your overall lifestyle, it becomes a matter of crucial understanding regarding the fragility of the situation.

Chronic kidney disease though has several treatment options that guarantee a successful cure, there are chances of it proving to be fatal and taking lives when you least expect it to do so. So first and foremost, the treatment option that you can begin with are controlling your blood pressure, eating healthy, and following a lifestyle that does not stress your body in any manner.

Apart from that, you can eat food that is rich in potassium such as spinach, banana, and yogurt.

Chronic kidney disease (in its last stage) only has options such as kidney transplant or dialysis as its surviving option though there’s no guarantee of it proving to be successful and you may actually lose your life eventually.

Hence, it is important you look at your lifestyle and ensure you don’t deteriorate the health of your kidneys for the sake of your life if not anything else. Chronic kidney disease is becoming common these days only due to the lifestyle changes people have adapted to put stress on their body, and it is important you educate yourselves about how it’s affecting your health at the end of the day.

About Saroj Hospital:
Our Services

  • Living donor Kidney Transplant
  • Deceased Donor Kidney Transplant
  • Post transplant renal care unit

Why choose Saroj Super Speciality Hospital for Kidney Transplantation?

The Centre for Kidney Transplant and Renal Sciences is equipped with cutting edge technology and state of the art infrastructure
The medical practitioners at Saroj Super Speciality Hospital follow evidence based and patient-centric practices.
Precise and safe surgical practices with fully automated systems to minimize errors.
Highly advanced modular operation theaters dedicated for performing kidney transplants.
Well ventilated and Ultra clean Kidney transplant ICU with each bed having separate AHU to keep infection level to the minimum.

For Best Kidney Transplant Centers in Delhi, India & Best Kidney Transplant Hospital in Delhi

Kidney Disease: It’s More Common Than You Think

You must have heard of chronic kidney disease taking lives of many people around you. The name is not so unfamiliar, is it? Terms such as kidney transplant, dialysis, kidney failure have somewhat become common in the medical field and way too many people are coming across kidney problems due to many reasons both explainable and unexplainable. But then the point is, you must know what actually causes kidney disease and what are you supposed to do in case you are diagnosed with it.

So let us begin with having a basic idea of chronic kidney disease followed by its symptoms and finally the treatment. Now, if you didn’t know it already, your kidneys play a very important role in your body. They are located at the back of the abdominal cavity and their function is to remove unwanted toxins, balance chemical neutrality (the acid-base balance) and filter the blood plasma (through key processes such as filtration, reabsorption, secretion, and excretion). The nephrons present in kidneys are basically what carry these jobs and hence, make this organ a vital one to be taken care of.

Now, there are times when your kidneys aren’t able to perform to their best ability and there are reasons for why it happens so. More often than not, diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure are what hampers the functionality of your kidneys. It also happens in case you have been hit by urinary tract infection in the past (UTI). Certain other problems such as heart attack are also sometimes responsible for it. In short, it’s all about the kind of lifestyle you lead, and how it affects not one but different systems of your body.

Let us see how you can actually figure out if you are suffering from chronic kidney disease, via understanding these symptoms.

In the initial days, you might notice:

• Loss of appetite

• Nausea

• Vomiting

• Alteration in urination

• Muscle cramps

Though you might notice the following if it is acute:

• Diarrhea

• Back pain

• Swelling of feet and ankles

• Fatigue

• Hypertension

• Chest pain

These symptoms though might replicate that of another disease, we suggest you must visit your doctor to check chronic kidney disease as they might be so due to the same problem. The fact that the health of your kidneys depends on your overall lifestyle, it becomes a matter of crucial understanding regarding the fragility of the situation.

Chronic kidney disease though has several treatment options that guarantee a successful cure, there are chances of it proving to be fatal and taking lives when you least expect it to do so. So first and foremost, the treatment option that you can begin with are controlling your blood pressure, eating healthy, and following a lifestyle that does not stress your body in any manner.

Apart from that, you can eat food that is rich in potassium such as spinach, banana, and yogurt.

Chronic kidney disease (in its last stage) only has options such as kidney transplant or dialysis as its surviving option though there’s no guarantee of it proving to be successful and you may actually lose your life eventually.

Hence, it is important you look at your lifestyle and ensure you don’t deteriorate the health of your kidneys for the sake of your life if not anything else. Chronic kidney disease is becoming common these days only due to the lifestyle changes people have adapted to put stress on their body, and it is important you educate yourselves about how it’s affecting your health at the end of the day.

About Saroj Hospital:
Our Services

  • Living donor Kidney Transplant
  • Deceased Donor Kidney Transplant
  • Post transplant renal care unit

Why choose Saroj Super Speciality Hospital for Kidney Transplantation?

The Centre for Kidney Transplant and Renal Sciences is equipped with cutting edge technology and state of the art infrastructure
The medical practitioners at Saroj Super Speciality Hospital follow evidence based and patient-centric practices.
Precise and safe surgical practices with fully automated systems to minimize errors.
Highly advanced modular operation theaters dedicated for performing kidney transplants.
Well ventilated and Ultra clean Kidney transplant ICU with each bed having separate AHU to keep infection level to the minimum.

For Best Kidney Transplant Centers in Delhi, India & Best Kidney Transplant Hospital in Delhi



I have been waiting for two months to have my 1/2 inch kidney stone blasted so I can finally get on with life. This has been a major nuisance and I am ready for the healing part to begin. I thank the Super Speciality Hospital team for once again taking good care of me. I went to the surgery center and the whole crew there were just wonderful to me.

I went in Thursday morning and had my IV put in and awaited the fun to begin. They were using the ESWL method which blasts the stone with sound waves and actually beats the hell out of your kidney to be honest. My stone was very dense and very deep into the kidney, so it was at the end of the reach for the ESWL procedure. I woke up in a lot of pain but we got it beat up although it sure is tender now. I have a stent inside of me from my bladder to kidney for a few days yet and then they will take it out. They put it in to widen the stream so the pieces of the stone they crushed can pass. It kind of feels like I am passing dozens of stones each day and is more than unpleasant. The most intense pain is after you urinate and your kidney empties. It feels like you are being kicked by a Clydesdale every time. I am hoping this goes away soon.

Three times a day I need to drink a ton of water and lay with my kidney upside down for a few minutes. This moves the particles that are settling in the bottom of my kidney around so they can pass and not just become litter at the bottom of my kidney. Every time I do this I pass a bunch of debris. I have to pee through a funnel to collect the pieces so they can find out what it is made of. This Thursday I will go back in and have an x-ray to see if it is powered enough or if it needs more crushing and to have that stent yanked out…OUCH!!! I am not looking forward to that at all.

I am going to be better than ever but it is just going to take a little longer than I thought it would recover. I will be grounded this 4th of July but will fly like a rocket again soon. Life is good and this will heal..just bear with me for a few days.

Primus Hospital: Primus Nephrology, Kidney Transplant & Dialysis Center is a leading center for innovative treatments. Our center is dedicated to highest standards of patient care with the human touch, offering pioneering procedures that minimize risk and hasten recovery. We provide clinical services in all areas of nephrology including clinical nephrology, kidney transplantation, hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration, sustained low-efficiency dialysis (SLED), CRRT, Plasmapheresis, peritoneal dialysis and critical care nephrology. Saroj Hospital: Kidney Transplant Center in Delhi