Here are top tips for a healthier you in the new year 2019

It may be tempting for devoted resolvers to incorporate a lot of changes at once. For others, perfection may be a temptation best avoided. Wherever you fall on that spectrum, we hope our tips prove useful for a healthy 2019.

Goal: A healthier family

Got flu? Act fast. If you’re hoping for relief from antiviral medicines Xofluza or Tamiflu, move fast, as they should be given within 48 hours of the first symptoms to be effective.

Wear ear protection if you’re headed to a rock concert, target range, or other loud venue. Hearing loss and tinnitus are caused by repeated exposure to noise levels that many people consider normal. Even one sudden burst of sound, such as from an explosion, can cause permanent damage.

Get swim lessons before summer comes. Drowning ranks fifth among the leading causes of unintentional injury death in the India and other country with about 20 percent of those deaths children 14 years and younger. The Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital (Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Hospitals in Mumbai, India) recommends everyone be able to tread water for a minute and swim 25 yards.

Teach kids (and yourself) to wear sunscreen year-round. Those damaging UVA and UVB rays don’t take the winter off. Apply sunscreen of at least 30 SPF about 15 to 30 minutes before you go outside and don’t forget a hat or other protective clothing.

A shot of cancer prevention. The HPV vaccine has a superb safety record. It prevents infections that cause malignancies of the cervix, head and neck, as well as rarer genital cancers. But many youngsters don’t get it, perhaps because parents think only sexually active people need worry about HPV. The vaccine is available for ages 9 to 45.

Make sleep a priority. How much sleep you need depends on age. School-age kids need about nine to 11 hours, teens about eight to 10 hours, and adults about seven to nine hours. Insist on making bedtime a cellphone-free zone at all ages — their light messes with your natural rhythms, and you may even end up sleep texting.

Set a good driving example. Don’t talk on the phone when you’re behind the wheel. Distracted driving leads to about one in three motor vehicle accidents in the India. And it’s a good opportunity to listen to the kids you may be schlepping around.

Check your workplace or school for an automated external defibrillator. Each year, more than 950,000 people suffer a sudden cardiac arrest, and most of them die from it. If used promptly, AEDs could revive many of those victims.

Know the symptoms of the leading cause of infertility in women. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects the reproductive and metabolic health of many women, yet it’s still widely misunderstood. Check out for information and support.

Goal: A fitter form

Exercise. Getting up and moving even if it is just a few times a week is a great way to keep healthy. It will help to strengthen your heart, keep weight in check, improve posture, and help with balance.

No gym membership or equipment required. Search around your home for objects that can be used as fitness tools. Simple staples such as laundry detergent bottles, hand towels, even paper plates work as effectively as the expensive exercise equipment found at your local gym.

Short on time? Even if you have only 10 minutes for fitness, you can burn calories and improve your cardiovascular health by performing a circuit that requires maximum exertion with very little rest between exercises.

Goal: Healthier eating

Can’t figure out why you can’t lose weight? It’s time to get real with yourself. Have you set reasonable goals, and do you have a solid plan to reach them? Are you holding yourself accountable? Are you asking for help (as in, “Honey, please don’t bring home my favorite ice cream!”). If the scale still won’t budge, see your doctor.

Avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners. They fuel urges for more, and they can hide in the most unlikely foods. Read labels carefully, looking for words that end in “ose” (dextrose, fructose) or “ol” (sorbitol, xylitol, mannitol) and know that maple syrup and honey are delicious, but not really any better for sugar-watchers.

Low fat or low carb? Actually, it’s a little more complicated than that. Some fats are good in moderation (avocados, olive oil), and so are some carbs (high-fiber fruits and veggies). Try the Mediterranean Diet for a plan that is consistently linked with good health.

Be wary of trendy diets. The ketogenic diet can lead to weight loss — but there is not enough research to conclude whether the keto diet causes a weight loss due to its high-fat, low-carb profile or a reduction in calories. But research does suggest that after rapid weight loss, keto dieters can expect rapid regain.

Don’t fret fast-food meals. On a busy day, fast food may be your only option, so enjoy a meal now and then. Don’t supersize the fries, skip the sugary drinks, and opt for a side salad instead of fries with your (single) burger, and you can have a fairly healthy meal.

Goal: Better mental health

Spend time in green spaces. Taking a walk in a park or similar green space can lower depression rates and reduce symptoms of stress.

Try art therapy. If you’re dealing with depression, anxiety, or stress, creative arts can help by forcing you to be mindful, find purpose, and connect with others. The next time you’re overwhelmed, try painting, playing music, or journaling.

Build emotional resilience. Experts say emotional resilience, the ability to channel a traumatic experience into positive action, is a key attribute of people who thrive in life. To build resilience, practice fostering a positive mindset or pushing yourself to do tasks you’re uncomfortable with. You can also check out the Mind Matters curriculum at

If you’ve experienced sexual trauma, don’t wait to get help. Sexual assault and harassment can affect women for years, causing elevated blood pressure, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Getting help earlier may lessen the long-term effects. Call 800.656.HOPE (4673) or Contact your local rape crisis center, which can be found in a national database at

Avoid medication changes during times of transition. Abruptly quitting psychiatric medication can lead to withdrawal symptoms, resurgence of symptoms, and even mental-health crises. Always consult your doctor first.

Learn to recognize the signs of potential suicide, which now is the second leading cause of death for adolescents and young adults. Don’t be afraid to ask someone who seems at risk directly. Online courses can help you practice. Check out Philadelphia offers free Mental Health First Aid training. Find workshops at

Goal: More affordable care

Choose the right facility. If your health problem is not life-threatening, consider going to an urgent-care center rather than a costlier hospital emergency department.

Compare drug prices. Drug costs can vary by pharmacy. Use comparison websites such as or to compare cash prices.

Avoid surprise bills. Ask your doctor or insurance company how much tests and procedures will cost to avoid expensive bills. If it’s more than you can afford, it’s OK to ask whether there’s a lower-cost alternative. For routine procedures such as colonoscopies and mammograms, be sure to ask whether the screening is preventative, which is free, or diagnostic, which could cost you.

Review medical bills. Look out for errors to be sure you weren’t charged for services you didn’t receive.

Consider a subscription service. Many local volunteer ambulance squads give discounts to people who donate as part of their subscription service, saving you the risk of a big bill if you anticipate needing an ambulance this year.

Ask for help. If you’re having trouble paying a hospital bill, ask whether you qualify for a financial support program or a payment plan, or if the hospital would accept a lower amount if paid off right away.

Goal: Tackling addiction

Quit smoking. Over and over, experts have told us that if you smoke, the single best thing you can do for your health — especially to increase your healthy years later in life — is to quit. But this can be especially difficult if you live or work with other smokers. One of the best things you can do to quit is make your home smoke-free.

Learn about addiction treatment. If you or a loved one needs treatment for an opioid use disorder, studies have shown that medication-assisted treatment gives people with addiction the best shot at recovery. Those who opt for medication-free detox should have inpatient treatment for at least 90 days, experts recommend.

Don’t be afraid to seek help. The only upside of the opioid epidemic is that so many people know someone in addiction or recovery that stigma is lessening. Employers such as Independence Blue Cross even celebrate employees in recovery. Workers in the city’s building trades unions who struggle with addiction can access care and treatment through the unions’ in-house referral program for substance-use disorder treatment, the Allied Trades Assistance Program.

Consider carrying naloxone. Philadelphia health officials encourage everyone in the city to carry naloxone, the overdose-reversing drug. The reasons are obvious for those in addiction, their friends, and loved ones. But overdoses can happen anywhere, and being prepared with a dose of the inhaled medicine could save a life. You don’t need a prescription to get naloxone, and it’s available at many (though not all) pharmacies and usually covered by most private and public insurance. Dispensing the spray version is as easy as giving someone a squirt of Flonase.

Goal: Aging well

Avoid shingles. Shingrix, approved in 2017 for most people over age 50, is 90 percent effective at preventing shingles and its excruciating rash, which is an aftereffect of childhood chicken pox. But the two-shot vaccine is in short supply, and Medicare beneficiaries may have a hefty copay.

To improve behavior and mood in people with dementia, help them participate in meaningful activities.

If you have incontinence, you don’t have to just live with it. Tell your doctor. There are treatments that help.

To cope with loneliness or grief, join a club or senior center. Volunteer.

Goal: A healthier environment

Watch what you throw in the blue bin. The recycling markets were upended this year when China said it would refuse anything contaminated by regular trash, water, and even greasy pizza boxes. That meant more waste went to landfills and incinerators. Go to your municipality’s website and look for guidance on what can be recycled.

Don’t spread bugs around. The much-loathed spotted lanternfly, first detected in Bucks County in 2014, is spreading at an alarming rate throughout Pennsylvania and is now in New Jersey and a host of other states. Fearing its agricultural threat, state officials are asking residents to help. Check cars, grills, outdoor furniture, etc., for egg masses from late fall to early spring. If you spot eggs, scrape them into a plastic bag with rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer to kill them. Report infestations to 1-888-422-3359. And watch out for places where water can pool, providing a happy breeding ground for mosquitoes as the weather warms up.

Top Hospitals in India:
Primus Super Speciality Hospital for Best Heart Hospital in Delhi
Saroj Super Speciality Hospital for Best Kidney Transplant Centers in Delhi
Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital, Mumbai
Gunam Super Speciality Hospital, Hosur

All you need to know about Bariatric surgery

Obesity is one of the major problems the world is facing in terms of health. Unhealthy lifestyle changes have led to increase in child and adult obesity leading to a further list of serious diseases which are often life threatening. By 2025, India will have over 17 million obese children and stand second among 184 countries where the number of obese children is concerned. Obesity is posing a serious threat to people’s health all over the world.

What is obesity?

When a person’s body weight is 20% higher than ideal body weight of a person according to age, sex and height, he or she is said to be obese. A person having Body Mass Index (BMI) between 25 and 30 is considered as obese or overweight. Body Mass Index is calculated using a person’s height and weight and is used to measure whether a person is underweight or overweight.

What are the health effects of obesity?

Obesity has huge effects on a person’s health and most of the deaths in the US result from conditions resulting from obesity. Some of the effects are:-
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Sleep apnea
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Lack of sexual drive
  • Heart diseases
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Stroke
  • Gall bladder stones

Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is one of the best considered surgeries recommended for obesity. The term ‘bariatric’ means any procedure that is performed on the intestines to cut down on weight. Bariatric surgery takes into account a series of procedures that help in weight loss.
  • Functions
Bariatric surgery medically reduces obesity in two ways:-
  • Restriction of food intake- It makes the intestine smaller and thus limits the amount of food you intake. This keeps a count on your calories and does not make you overeat.
  • Limits absorption of calories- Since the small intestine is shortened; it reduces the amount of nutrients as well as calories the body absorbs from food.
  • Types
Bariatric surgery is of four types-
  • Gastric Bypass
Gastric Bypass is a medical procedure where the surgeon limits the amount of area for storage of food in the intestine to a small pouch. This is the area which can hold the amount of food you eat at once. The small intestine is then cut from the main stomach and attached to the pouch. While the main part of the stomach continues to function and produce the digestive juices, the food flows into the intestine from this pouch only. This helps to limit the amount of calories that you eat and that get absorbed in your body.
  • Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding
This is a procedure where a band containing a balloon like thing is attached to the upper stomach which creates a pouch with a narrow opening to the other part of the stomach. This procedure too limits the area of the stomach that can hold food. This limits your appetite and makes you feel less hungry. However, it does not limit the absorption of nutrients and calories.
  • Sleeve gastrostomy
In this procedure, a part of the stomach is surgically removed from the body. The part remaining in the body is given the shape of a tube to limit the storage of food. Thus appetite is reduced as your stomach cannot hold much food now and also because of shortage of an appetite increasing hormone called ghrelin.
  • Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch
Two kinds of surgeries are performed here by the surgeon. The duodenum and the last part of the intestine are attached together while closing off the middle section. However, this middle section is not removed from the body. Instead, it is attached to the last part of the intestine to let the inflow of digestive juices and bile.
one of the best hospitals in Delhi when you consider getting a bariatric surgery. Here you can find state-of-the-art medical facilities that provide the best surgical care and also helps you with post-surgical recovery. Primus Hospital boasts of skilled surgeons who can change your life for the best and let you live a healthier life.

Some Starnge Pregnancy Symptoms That Are Actually Good for You

The good news? Some of the tough-to-take side effects can actually be a sign that your pregnancy is healthy and thriving

Sore and enlarged breasts
Its happens Usually early in the first trimester

Light Pink or Brown Spotting
Its happens Around 4 to 6 weeks

Morning Sickness
Its happens Usually early in the first trimester

Increased Vaginal Discharge
Its happens Throughout pregnancy

Some Starnge Pregnancy Symptoms Good sign for You
Top Gynecologist in center Delhi & Best Gynecology Hospital in Delhi NCR is Only one Primus Super Speciality Hospital. and one more gynaecology hospital in delhi available in Rohini. If you are in Mumbai then Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital is Best Gynaecology Centre in Mumbai

Health and Nutrition Tips

There is lots of tips that can benefit you for better life. Few we mentioned here:
  • Don’t Drink Sugar Calories
  • Eat Nuts
  • Avoid Processed Junk Food (Eat Real Food Instead)
  • Don’t Fear Coffee
  • Eat Fatty Fish
  • Get Enough Sleep
  • Take Care of Your Gut Health With Probiotics and Fiber
  • Drink Some Water, Especially Before Meals
  • Don’t Overcook or Burn Your Meat
  • Avoid Bright Lights Before Sleep
  • Take Vitamin D3 If You Don’t Get Much Sun
  • Eat Vegetables and Fruits
  • Make Sure to Eat Enough Protein
  • Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil
If you have any health related problem you can visit these hospital as they are best in India:

It’s time! Transitioning to back to school for kids and parents

Primus Hospital How to get Ready for school mentally
It’s that time of year again. By the end of the month, we’ll be packing up our bathing suits, beach chairs, and shorts for the hustle and bustle of real life. Yes, it’s back to early mornings, yelling about lost books, forgetting to brush teeth, wondering if one actually needs food to function, and homework, so much homework. And I’m not even talking about the kids yet, I’m talking about parents!

It turns out back to school transitions actually start with parents. We have to get in the right mindset and model this for our children. The same tips that work for kids, work for parents as well. Let’s look at some of the neuroscience research to learn how to set our brains up for this transition.

Mentalset: First we need to get into the right mental-set or space in which our brains are ready to learn. That means taking steps toward changing our expectations from summer to fall. Set up a routine for the fall, make a list of supplies, and determine your goals for the school year!

Transition Planning:  We have to give our minds time for a new routine. Start by managing your expectations, which will be different in the fall. Review them with your kids, but also understand that there will be hiccups in the beginning. These changes in expectations can include sleep schedules, eating, and exercise.

Sleep: Lack of sleep can result in inattention, difficulty learning, and increased behavior problems in kids and short fuses in adults. During sleep, your brain consolidates knowledge, stores memories, and cleans out the cellular debris to make room for the next day’s learning. Everyone in your home should have a good sleep routine starting the week before school including a calm activity prior to bed like a bath or non-physical game, and a bedtime cue like music, a book, or song. This helps tell your brain that it’s time to change activities. Grade schoolers generally need between nine to 12 hours of sleep each night, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

Eating: The food you eat turns into power for your brain. Healthy eating can improve your mood, help you think faster, improve learning and memory, make you think more clearly, and maintain focus. This is especially important during the school year! Stick with green vegetables, nuts and seeds, low fat milk, hard cheeses, and fish. For an extra brain boost, add cinnamon and turmeric to your meals!

Exercise: When thinking about your routines, be sure to include physical activity for your family. Exercise benefits the body and brain. It can improve the ability to manage emotions, increase connection power, release growth factors to keep cells healthy, and support new cells. The key is to include a moderate level of different types of activities. The brain thrives on stress reducing activities that use the body in different ways.

Excitement: The last key is positive emotion. Get yourself and your kids excited about school. Talk about the fun activities, learning opportunities, and meeting old and new friends. Excitement increases the brain’s desire, and therefore power, to change schedules, keep good sleep habits, eat well, exercise, and learn.

Following these healthy transition tips will get the entire family ready for the school year! Set up everyone up for success by being a good example and working with your children to set goals and maintain healthy brain habits for the school year.

Best Neurosurgery hospital in Delhi NCR visit Pimus hospital & Visit Nanavati Hospital for Cardiac hospital in Mumbai

Primus Hospital How to get Ready for school mentally

When You need bypass surgery?

You need bypass surgery when blocked arteries lead to an unsatisfactory quality of life or a high risk of heart attack.

Unsatisfactory means :

  • frequent bouts of angina
  • shortness of breath with minimal exertion (often referred to as an anginal equivalent)
  • the inability to walk up a short flight of stairs
To get Treatment from best heart hospital in Delhi NCR visit Primus Hospital & centre for cardiac treatment in Mumbai visit Nanavati Hospital

Rainy Season and Chikungunya Fever

Same Mosquito that has the virus of dengue fever give you chikungunya virus
The Difference is it’s life-threatening.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Fever that may go up to 104 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Severe pain in the joints that lasts for longer than usual
  • Fatigue
  • Pain in the muscles
  • Swelling that appears in the muscles
  • Chills, vomiting, and nausea
  • Headaches
  • Rashes that develop on the face, limbs and the trunk
  • Vomiting
  • Back Pain
  • Joints Pain

For Treatment visit Primus Super Speciality Hospital – Best Joint Replacement Hospital in India

Most Women Have No Idea When Fertility Begins To Decline

Female fertility begins to decline significantly from ages 35 to 39, and only 18 percent of men and 17 percent of women knew that men’s fertility declined from ages 45 to 49.

For International IVF Treatment in India & For Best Hospital For IVF Treatment in Delhi NCR visit Primus Super Speciality Hospital.

Types of third party involvement for Fertility Treatment:

  • Sperm donation
  • Ovum donation
  • Embryo donation
  • Surrogacy
  • Psychosexual Counseling

Churning the Mill Pose- Primus Hospital

Starting with your legs apart, back as straight as you can, feet slightly flexed. Interlock your fingers and stretch your arms and come forwards as much as you can. Reach for the toes of the left foot and start to roll around moving from your hip joint at your pelvis like you are drawing an imaginary circle. then all the way to the right. Then finishing the circle by going all the way back and left and around again like churning the mill. Inhale while the bending forward and exhale while back. If that is difficult to coordinate, breathe normally. Stretch your body as much as you can and keep your back as flat as you can. Try not to move legs much. A little movement of the thighs in the beginning is alright. You will feel the stretch in the arms, abdomen, groin and legs Initially start with 5 rounds without stressing your body and Repeat the same in anticlockwise direction. Once the body is accustomed to the pose, you can increase it 10 to 12 rounds in each direction.


  • Do not overexert yourself while practicing this Pose.
  • Do not push yourself beyond the limits.
  • Go only as far as your body allows.
  • Remember it’s about easing in to the pose rather than fighting with it.